
Washington's State Art Collection includes over 1,200 artists and grows every year. Almost half the artists are female-identifying (in contrast to many other art collections). And almost two-thirds of the artists are from Washington State and the broader Pacific Northwest. The Collection is one of the oldest and largest statewide public art collections in the U.S. with nearly 5,000 artworks.

Displaying artists with last names starting with L.

Richard La Londe

Ryan LaBar

Francesca Lacagnina

Justen Ladda

Kay Lamoreux Buckner

Edwin Landis

Corine Landrieu

Cay Lang

Melissa Lang

Vidie Lange

Counsel Langley

James Lapp

Armond Lara

Carrie L. Larson

Ann Lasko-Harvill

Michelle Lassaline

James Lavadour

Maynard Lavadour

Carolyn Law

Horatio Hung-Yan Law

Jacob Lawrence

Lead Pencil Studio

Bob Leader

Pamela Awana Lee

Suzanne Lee


Andrew Leicester

Craig Lemley

Cheryll Leo-Gwin

Helen Lessick

Letra Chueca Press

Arlene Lev

Robert Leverich

Phillip Levine

Stu Levy

John Lewis

Phillip Lewis

Ying Li

Walt Lieberman and Dick Weiss

Walt Lieberman

Glenn Ligon

Zhi Lin

Michael Lindenmeyer

Thomas Lindsey

Lin Lipetz

Margaret Liston

Lisa Little

HollyAnna CougarTracks DeCoteau Littlebull

Hung Liu

Lucy Liu

Connie Lloveras

Regina Loch-Elvert

Camas Logue

James Lommasson

George Longfish

Michael Loomis

Joyce Lopez

Harriet Louie

Aaron Loveitt

Marty Lovins

Gera Lozano and Werc Alvarez

Henry Luke

James Luna

Ken Lundemo

Norman Lundin

Bobbi Lurie

Kirk Lybecker

Kelly Lyles

Perri Lynch Howard

Marilyn Lysohir