
Washington's State Art Collection includes over 1,200 artists and grows every year. Almost half the artists are female-identifying (in contrast to many other art collections). And almost two-thirds of the artists are from Washington State and the broader Pacific Northwest. The Collection is one of the oldest and largest statewide public art collections in the U.S. with nearly 5,000 artworks.

Displaying artists with last names starting with B.

Matt Babcock

Mo Bahc

Jennifer Bain

Harold Balazs

Phillip Baldwin

Jim Ball

Natalie Ball

Ball-Nogues Studio

Ernestine Ballew

Yee Jan Bao

Gayle Bard

Mindy Barker

Howard Barlow

Mary Barnes

Jacqueline Barnett

Donald Barrie

Rick Bartow

Lynn Basa

Gary Bates

Ali Baudoin

Marlene Bauer

Bruce Douglas Beal

Bennett Bean

R.E. Beans

Candace Beardslee

Linda Beaumont

Lawrence Beck

Jack Becker

Ross Palmer Beecher

Vaughn Bell

Anne Belov

Max Benjamin

Joellen Benjamin-Fay

John Benn and Colleen Gallagher

Susan Bennerstrom

Todd Benson

Gala Bent

Marith Berens

Julie Berger

Paul Berger

Lanny Bergner

Leo Saul Berk

Betz Bernhard

Roger Berry

David Grant Best

Susie Bevins-Ericsen

Dawoud Bey

Richard Beyer

Margi Beyers

Pam Beyette

Ethan Bickel

Micajah Bienvenu

Charles Bigger

Willie Birch

Fred Birchman

Jeffrey Bishop

Joseph Bissonnette

Helen Bitar

Nicholas Bivins

Barbara Black

Cassandria Blackmore

Luke Blackstone

Evan Blackwell

Paul Bladek

Cecilia Blomberg

Sonja Blomdahl

Andrea Blum

Lee Bogle

Tyler Boley

Diane Bonciolini

Pena Bonita

Margaretha Bootsma

Brooke Borcherding

Bet Borgeson

Gloria Bornstein

Brian Borrello

Christine Bourdette

Louise Bourgeois

Dana Boussard

Patti Bowman

Frank Boyden

Susan Boye

Nance Bracken

Jean Bradbury

Susan Brandeis

Judy Branfman

Stuart Branston

Colleen RJC Bratton

Bill Braun

Phil Brazeau

Barbara Breckenfeld

Thompson Brennan

William Brennen

Bill Brewer

Morgan Brig

Catherine Brigden

Wendy Briggs

Ruth Brockmann

Laura Brodax

Roger Broer

Bonnie Bronson

Joseph Brooks

Michael Brophy

Beliz Brother

Clint Brown

Joan Brown

Kim Brown

Michael Brown and David Cole

Ross Brown

Cris Bruch

Rachel Brumer

Gordon Bryan

Carl Bryant and Sandra Bryant

Elizabeth Bryant

Lisa Buchanan

Bill Buchen and Mary Buchen

John Buck

Terrance Buckendorf

Paul Buckner

Christopher Buening

Tram Bui

Larry Bullis

Mark Bulwinkle

Donald Bunse

Margaret Burlew

James Burns and Maxine Martell

Jane Burns

Marsha Burns

Michael Burns

Romson Bustillo

Deborah Butterfield

Anne Byerrum