Congratulations on receiving an ArtsWA grant!
The information at the top of this page is relevant to all or most grantees:
- New federal grant requirement: Unique Entity Identifier (UEI)
- How to access your grant application in Submittable
- How to credit ArtsWA for your grant
Take note of the section titles for the remaining information. They indicate if the information is for Grants to Organizations (GTO), Arts in Education (AIE), or Wellness, Arts, and the Military (WAM) grants.
Most ArtsWA applicants and grant recipients are required to have a UEI number (or Unique Entity ID) to receive funding. The UEI is 12-digit alpha-numeric number that is issued at no cost through the federal System for Award Management website (
A Unique Entity ID is necessary for organizations receiving direct or indirect federal grants or doing business with the federal government. Because some ArtsWA grants use federal funds, your organization may need a UEI number before funds can be dispersed.
Watch: How to Register for a UEI
See the full Directions to Getting a Unique Entity ID here.
UEI registration is always FREE; do not pay for any registration services that appear to be associated with UEI (
To access your saved or completed application, log into Submittable using the same credentials you used to create your application:
Your submitted or draft applications will be listed under the ‘All Submissions’ tab on your account profile. Click on a submission to see activity, any messages, the submission content, or to print or download a copy of your application. See ArtsWA’s Submittable FAQ for additional information on using this platform.
Grant recipients must acknowledge support from ArtsWA-Washington State Arts Commission on promotional materials for grant-funded projects. To give credit to ArtsWA, include the agency logo or the following language on any published materials:
“This program is supported, in part, by a grant from the Washington State Arts Commission.”
If your grant contract includes federal funds, you will also need to include the logo for the NEA-National Endowment for the Arts on any published materials. Check your contract to confirm whether your grant includes federal funds.
Managing Your Grants to Organizations (GTO) Grant
Review all sections of the contract and the supporting materials that are sent with your contract:
Return your signed grant contract by the date listed in your notification. If you have any questions about managing your contract, contact Ashley Marshall (
Grant Contract FAQs (GTO)
The contact information for my organization is incorrect in the contract – what should I do?
Do not sign the contract. Contact Ashley Marshall ( immediately so that we can make the correction.
What are the different sections of the contract?
When you open your contract, the first thing you will see is your official notification letter. This is for your records.
The first official contract section is the “Agreements” section. These are the terms of the contract. Here you will also find:
- Contract number (top right corner of page)
- Contract start date and end date. (“D”)
Attachment A: This is the Scope of Work and Reporting Requirements. In this section, you will also find:
- Allowable Expenses – what you can spend your grant money on
- Reporting Requirement and Logo Credit
Attachment B: This is your Payment Schedule. Here you will find the specifics on how to receive payment on your grant.
Attachment C: This is language common to all our grants. Pay special attention to the RECORDS, DOCUMENTS, AND REPORTS section.
Attachment E: This is your invoice. We use this to pay you. Sign it and return to us with your contract. We keep it here for you – no need to re-submit when you are requesting payment.
Can I sign with an electronic signature?
Yes – this is done using Adobe Sign. Simply open the contract in your email from Adobe Sign and follow the prompts.
Do I have to return a paper copy of my contract?
No. You can return your signed contract electronically. If you choose to print and sign, print the entire signed contract, scan, or take a photo of each page, attach to e-mail. Electronically submitted contracts do not need to be mailed.
If I am not the authorizing official within our organization, can I legally sign this contract?
No. The person who signs the contract must be an authorizing official for your organization (i.e., Executive Director, Managing Director, etc.).
When can I get paid?
After your expenses are incurred, a request for reimbursement can be sent through the Grant Reimbursement Form attached to your Submittable application. Once your form is reviewed, your payment will be sent for processing. You do not need to wait until the end of your contract period to submit your request. Note: Your organization must have a Statewide Vendor (SWV) number and a federal Unique Entity Identity (UEI) number to receive your grant funds.
- SWV number: Check to see if you already have an SWV number using the lookup tool. If you need an SWV number, complete the Vendor Payee Registration form at
- UEI number: Learn more and register at
My expenses are incurred; how do I get my documentation to you?
You will receive a notification from Submittable when your Grant Reimbursement Form is ready to be completed. This form can be accessed through your Submittable account by navigating to your submissions, clicking on your application, and clicking “Forms.” The Grant Reimbursement Form will be at the bottom of the page and can be accessed by clicking the “Open” button on the righthand side. Once you’ve filled out the form and it’s reviewed, your request will be sent for processing. If you are unable to find your Grant Reimbursement Form, please reach out to Ashley Marshall at for assistance.
Do I have to submit my Final Report before I get paid?
No. The Final Report submission is a separate process to the payment process.
If you received a GTO grant, you must submit a Final Report. If you received multiple grants from ArtsWA, each grant has final reporting requirements. Final Reports must be received within 30 days following the contract end date, and no later than July 31 of your contract year.
What is the Final Report?
The Final Report shares the outcomes of your grant funded activities. It includes:
- Final Report form in Submittable. This form includes a final budget and demographic information, attendance numbers, and project locations required by the NEA-National Endowment for the Arts.
- A copy of at least one letter from your organization to your state senator or state representative. The purpose of these letters is to help elected officials understand the return on the state’s investment in the arts and to understand the positive impact in their own communities. These are not “ask” letters. You will upload a copy of this letter directly into your Final Report form. The Communicating with Your Legislators PDF provides sample letter-writing language.
- Media: If you have a project grant, media (such as photos or videos) of your project are required. If you have a general operating grant, media upload is optional.
How does ArtsWA use Final Report data?
In addition to meeting the requirements for state and federal reporting, ArtsWA uses Final Report data to meet goals for equitable funding and constituent support. We use data and images collected through Final Reports to illustrate the use of state funds for the public good, and in reports to the state budget office, state legislature, the NEA-National Endowment for the Arts, and Congress.
ArtsWA retains the right to use all or a portion of your Final Report materials. We may use these materials in press releases, internal documents, email announcements and newsletters, on the ArtsWA website, and in print or electronic media.
Note the usage clause in your grant contract: “By submitting photo images, audio, video, and other program documentation, the grantee gives permission for use. The grantee affirms their right to authorize the use of such materials by ArtsWA. This includes confirming parental permission for photos and videos of children under the age of 18. It is the sole responsibility of the grantee to obtain these permissions from relevant artists, creators, and subjects in material provided to ArtsWA.”
Where do I find the Final Report and how do I submit it?
Grant recipients will complete their Final Report online using Submittable. The GTO team will notify you when the Final Report is available for completion.
What if we had a staffing change and I don’t know our Organization’s Submittable log in information?
If you’ve had staff changes and you don’t have access to the login details for your organization’s account, email the Submittable support team and request that your organization’s log in information be updated at: You can also email Ashley Marshall ( with any technical questions related to your Submittable account or grant applications.
What happens if our organization does not submit our Final Report by the deadline?
Organizations that do not complete a final report by the stated deadline are subject to a 10% reduction on the amount of the next ArtsWA grant they receive.
Ashley Marshall, Administrative Assistant, Grants to Organizations, at
Managing Your Arts in Education (AIE) Grant
ArtsWA sends an award notification via email to the contact(s) provided within the Submittable grant application. Your email subject line is “ArtsWA Arts in Education Grants.” Included in the email are detailed next steps and the following documents:
- AIE FY25 Grant Responsibilities & Payments
- AIE Project Grant Allowable Expenses
- ArtsWA Submittable FAQs
You will receive a notification to complete your Grant Confirmation Form within Submittable. After your Grant Confirmation is received, a document including both your contract and invoice is sent via Adobe Sign to the email of the Authorizing Official. Review all sections of the contract. Sign your grant contract by the date listed in your notification. If you have any questions about managing your contract, email Desiree Johnson (
Arts in Education Grants are paid in two (2) equal payments after Project Updates are completed and approved.
- Payment #1: Complete a Mid-Year Project Update (Nov – Dec 2024) > Receive 50% of Award
- Payment #2: Complete a Year-End Project Update (April – June 2025) > Receive 50% of Award
*Project Updates are a separate form and do not replace the required Final Report
About the Payment:
- After each Project Update is submitted, it will be subject to approval.
- Upon Approval, payment will be issued within 30 days.
- Payment will be 50% of your grant amount.
The contact information for my organization is incorrect, what should I do?
Do not sign the contract. Email Desiree Johnson ( with your correct information and we will issue you a new contract to sign.
Can I use an electronic signature?
Yes, all ArtsWA grant contracts are sent and signed using Adobe Sign, which is an electronic signature service. This request will be sent directly to the email of the Authorized Official as listed on your Grant Confirmation. If this person needs to assign a different Authorizing Official, they may do so within the Adobe Sign document.
Do I have to return a paper copy of my contract?
No. Your contract will be completed electronically using Adobe Sign. Electronically signed contracts do not need to be mailed. A countersigned copy of your grant contract will be emailed to you for your records.
If I am not the Authorizing Official within our organization, can I legally sign our contract?
No. The person who signs the grant contract must be an Authorizing Official for your organization (i.e. Executive Director, Principal, Managing Director, etc.).
Our grant funded project has changed, what are my next steps?
If any aspect of your grant-funded project or proposal needs to be significantly changed, postponed, or cancelled, please notify the AIE team as soon as possible.
Any changes that impact your panel-approved budget, project parameters, personnel, or scope of work must be submitted to and approved by the AIE team. Project or proposal changes must remain aligned with the goals outlined in your original grant application. We will do our best to support you through any necessary changes!
Desiree Johnson, AIE Administrative Assistant, your key point of contact for all AIE grants.
If you received an AIE grant, you must submit a Final Report. If you received multiple grants from ArtsWA, each grant has final reporting requirements. Grant recipients will complete their Final Report online using Submittable. Final Reports must be received within 30 days following the contract end date, and no later than July 31 of your contract year.
What is the Final Report?
The Final Report is a report on the outcomes of your grant funded activities. It includes a narrative of your project or proposal, final budget, and data required by the NEA (National Endowment for the Arts). This includes demographic information, attendance numbers, and project locations. You will complete and submit your Final Report in Submittable.
How does ArtsWA use Final Report data?
In addition to meeting the requirements for state and federal reporting, ArtsWA uses Final Report data to meet goals for equitable funding and constituent support. We use data and images collected through Final Reports to illustrate the use of state funds for the public good, and in reports to the state budget office, state legislature, the NEA, and Congress.
ArtsWA retains the right to use all or a portion of your final report materials. We may use these materials in press releases, internal documents, email announcements and newsletters, on the ArtsWA website, and in print or electronic media.
Where do I find the Final Report and how do I submit it?
Grant recipients will receive an example of the Final Report to reference throughout the year. Grant recipients will complete their Final Report online using Submittable. The AIE team will notify you when the Final Report is available for completion.
Do I have to submit my Final Report before I receive funds?
No. The Final Report requirement is separate from the grant payment process.
What if we had a staffing change and I don’t know our organization’s Submittable log in information?
If you’ve had staff changes and you don’t have access to the login details for your organization’s account, email the Submittable support team and request that your organization’s log in information be updated at:
Desiree Johnson, AIE Administrative Assistant, your key point of contact for all AIE grants:
Managing Your Wellness, Arts, and the Military (WAM) Grant
Review all sections of the contract and the supporting materials that are sent with your contract:
- Statewide Vendor (SWV) Number Guide
- General Operating Support – Allowable Expenses
- Self-directed Art Practice (SAP) – Allowable Expenses
Return your signed grant contract by the date listed in your notification. If you have any questions about managing your contract, email Daniya Baisubanova (
The contact information for my organization is incorrect in the contract – what should I do?
Do not sign the contract. Contact Daniya Baisubanova ( immediately so that we can make the correction.
What are the different sections of the contract?
When you open your contract, the first thing you will see is your official notification letter. This is for your records.
The first official contract section is the “Agreements” section. These are the terms of the contract. Here you will also find:
- Contract number (top right corner of page)
- Contract start date and end date. (“D)
Attachment A: This is the Scope of Work and Reporting Requirements. In this section, you will also find:
- Allowable Expenses – what you can spend your grant money on
- Reporting Requirement and Logo Credit
Attachment B: This is your Payment Schedule. Here you will find the specifics on how to receive payment on your grant.
Attachment C: This is language common to all our grants. Pay special attention to the RECORDS, DOCUMENTS, AND REPORTS section.
Attachment E: This is your invoice. We use this to pay you. Sign it and return to us with your contract. We keep it here for you – no need to re-submit when you are requesting payment.
Can I sign with an electronic signature?
Yes – this is done using Adobe Sign. Simply open the contract in your email from Adobe Sign and follow the prompts
Do I have to return a paper copy of my contract?
No. You can return your signed contract electronically. If you choose to print and sign, print the entire signed contract, scan, or take a photo of each page, attach to e-mail. Electronically submitted contracts do not need to be mailed.
If I am not the authorizing official within our organization, can I legally sign this contract?
No. The person who signs the contract must be an authorizing official for your organization (i.e., Executive Director, Managing Director, etc.).
When can I get paid?
After your expenses are incurred, and you have emailed Daniya Baisubanova documentation of your project, we will initiate payment. You do not need to wait until the end of the contract period to submit for payment. For the Self-Directed Art Practice grant, you may submit multiple invoices during the grant contract period.
My expenses are incurred; how do I get my documentation to you?
For the Self-Directed Art Practice grant, you will upload expense documentation through an additional form in Submittable. We will host information sessions to walk you through the process. If you have questions, email Daniya Baisubanova (
Some WAM grants may also require program or project documentation. Examples: poster, event flier, website page, social media post, press release, etc. Be sure you understand the requirements of crediting ArtsWA on your project or program documentation (see info at top of this page).
Do I have to submit my Final Report before I get paid?
No. The Final Report submission is a separate process to the payment process.
If you received a WAM grant, you must submit a Final Report. If you received multiple grants from ArtsWA, each grant has final reporting requirements. Final Reports must be received within 30 days following the contract end date, and no later than July 31 of your contract year.
What is the Final Report?
The Final Report shares the outcomes of your grant funded activities. It includes:
- Final Report form in Submittable. This form may include a final budget, short narrative questions, and other info about your project or program.
- General Operating Support grant only: A copy of at least one letter from your organization to your state senator or state representative. The purpose of these letters is to help elected officials understand the return on the state’s investment in the arts and to understand the positive impact in their own communities. These are not “ask” letters. You will upload a copy of this letter directly into your Final Report form. The Communicating with Your Legislators PDF provides sample letter-writing language.
How does ArtsWA use Final Report data?
In addition to meeting the requirements for state and federal reporting, ArtsWA uses Final Report data to meet goals for equitable funding and constituent support. We use data and images collected through Final Reports to illustrate the use of state funds for the public good, and in reports to the state budget office, state legislature, the NEA-National Endowment for the Arts, and Congress.
ArtsWA retains the right to use all or a portion of your Final Report materials. We may use these materials in press releases, internal documents, email announcements and newsletters, on the ArtsWA website, and in print or electronic media.
Note the usage clause in your grant contract: “By submitting photo images, audio, video, and other program documentation, the grantee gives permission for use. The grantee affirms their right to authorize the use of such materials by ArtsWA. This includes confirming parental permission for photos and videos of children under the age of 18. It is the sole responsibility of the grantee to obtain these permissions from relevant artists, creators, and subjects in material provided to ArtsWA.”
Where do I find the Final Report and how do I submit it?
Grant recipients will complete their Final Report online using Submittable. The WAM team will notify you when the Final Report is available for completion.
What if we had a staffing change and I don’t know our Organization’s Submittable log in information?
If you’ve had staff changes and you don’t have access to the login details for your organization’s account, email the Submittable support team and request that your organization’s log in information be updated at: You can also email Daniya Baisubanova ( with any technical questions related to your Submittable account or grant applications.
What happens if our organization does not submit our Final Report by the deadline?
Organizations that do not complete a final report by the stated deadline are subject to a 10% reduction on the amount of the next ArtsWA grant they receive.
Daniya Baisubanova, Program Coordinator, Wellness, Arts, and the Military, at