
Washington's State Art Collection includes over 1,200 artists and grows every year. Almost half the artists are female-identifying (in contrast to many other art collections). And almost two-thirds of the artists are from Washington State and the broader Pacific Northwest. The Collection is one of the oldest and largest statewide public art collections in the U.S. with nearly 5,000 artworks.

Displaying artists with last names starting with E.

Robert Ecker

Don Eckland

Garth Edwards

Stephen Dale Edwards

Lawrence Eick

David Eisenhour

Barbara Eiswerth

Dean Eliasen

Richard C. Elliott

Robert Ellison

Monad Elohim

Raymon Elozua

William Elston

Elaine Timentwa Emerson

Thomas Emmerson

Joe Max Emminger

Steve Engle

Clay Enoch

Cara Enteles

James Entz

Ruza Erceg

Janet Essley

Dennis Evans

Sheila Evans

Macduff Everton