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International Women's Day: Selections by Karen Hanan
International Women's Day is held on March 8 around the globe to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.
As a collective day of global celebration and activity, it is marked with arts, performances, talks, rallies, networking events, conferences, and marches. It has been observed since the early 1900s, and while not affiliated with any one group, brings together governments, women's organizations, corporations, and charities.
This web exhibition seeks to champion and recognize women and their achievements through the arts. Whether recognizing women for their leadership and community engagement, or applauding their efforts to bring about social and political change, or simply highlighting their capacity for intellect, ability, humor, strength, and compassion: this exhibition celebrates us all.
–Curated by Karen Hanan, Washington State Arts Commission (ArtsWA) Executive Director.
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