Michael Brown and David Cole

Michael Brown (American, born 1961); David Cole (American, born 1968)

The artist team of Michael Brown and David Cole make art installations that reconnect the viewer with their surroundings, their senses, and the joys of discovery. They describe their art as a “creation of conditions for individual discoveries by the viewer.” Their installations inspire people to interact with each other and their environment and stimulates curiosity. Brown and Cole are based in Oakland, California.

Michael Brown is a sculptor, designer, and installation artist. He works with museums to design exhibits that focus on inspiring greater interaction with visitors. He has been an artist-in-residence at The Exploratorium in San Francisco since 1992. Brown earned a Bachelor of Arts degree (1985) in theater and film from Humboldt State University in California.

David Cole’s art practice ranges from fine jewelry to public art and architectural details for historic buildings. He is a practicing metalsmith and a professor in the jewelry and metal arts program at California College of the Arts in Oakland, California since 2005. Cole earned a Master of Fine Arts (1993) in metalsmithing at Cranbrook Academy of Art in Michigan and a Bachelor of Arts (1990) in government at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire.