New Billy Frank Jr. Statue Project video – Part II: The Maquette

Haiying Wu is sculpting a statue of Nisqually tribal leader and treaty activist Billy Frank Jr. that will stand in National Statuary Hall in Washington, D.C. for generations. But how can he capture—in one statue—the character of a man who represents so much to so many? In this video, learn why artist Haiying Wu chose to let Billy rest after decades of hard work on the front lines of treaty rights and environmental stewardship. Produced by Children of the Setting Sun Productions, with additional footage by Ray Whitehouse and the Architect of the Capitol.

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Heritage Caucus
📣 2024 Heritage Caucus
Heritage Caucus will begin on January 10 and will be held virtually on Wednesdays at 7:00 a.m. during the 2024 legislative session. Heritage Caucus is co-chaired by Senator Judy Warnick and Representative Steve Tharinger.…
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